
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Two Happy Homeless Men

So last week I went over Alexandria to do a little shopping, I figured while I was there I would check next to the 7-11 where I always see homeless people and see if anyone needed a back pack. Sure enough there was a gentleman sitting on the curb eating a sandwich next to his cart that held all of his belongings. I was a little bit nervous, but more excited. I got out of my car and approached the man who said nothing to me as I said "hi". I was a little bit caught off guard but explained to him that I had a back pack in my car that was full  of food, clothes, an other stuff he could use. He still said nothing. I stood there for a minute waiting for a response when I decided to grab the pack and open it to offer it to him. When I came back and showed him she waved his hands to indicated he didn't want the pack so I picked it back up and went on my way. I felt disappointed, a little embarrassed, and wondering what God had planned. I later realized he probably didn't speak any English and thought I was trying to sell it to him. After driving around with the bags in my car all week I started to wonder if God would put any homeless people in my path as there aren't many in our area. I went to Wal Mart on Friday to pick up some things and had to head over to JoAnns's for some fabric after. I took a random way to get there and as I was driving I thought to myself "why am I going this way? I never go this way." not even out of the parking lot I saw a homeless man standing on the corner. I thought "oh okay God I get it, use me." So I pulled my car across the street and walked over to him. I said "hi" and asked him how he was doing. He had a big smile on his face and started a conversation. I told him I had a back pack in my car and it was filled with stuff he could use and I'd love to give it to him. He said "sure, I could, would you drive down and meet me at the bus stop I already have stuff I need to carry. Is there a tarp in there?!?!" I decided instead of driving down that I would walk with him. We walked to the short distance bus stop but in those few moments he told me that his buddy was waiting down at the bus stop too and they lost all their belongings in the flash floods we had a about a month ago. He asked about my church before I even had a chance to bring it up and we got and opportunity to talk about it. When we got to the bus stop his friend was there and he excitedly told him about the pack back I gave him and introduced me to his buddy. I asked him if he needed a back pack also. He said he would love a bag and could really use one too. So I walked back to my car, drove it down and gave the back pack to him. They thanked me profusely and gave me a huge hug. The thought of a homeless stranger hugging me really made me uncomfortable when I thought about it prior to this situation, but when it happened, I had this overwhelming sense of peace and embraced the hug. I can only hope that through me they were provided with a sense of hope and felt God's love.

Proverbs 14:31
Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God
Proverbs 19:17
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done.

I didn't make these bags to get a reward, but the feeling of hope, love and fulfillment was so overwhelming and such a blessing that it felt like the greatest reward.

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