
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Things about Brittany

Well, nothing too exciting has happened lately so I figured I'd let those of you who don't know me well, get to know me better...

*I whole heartedly believe that the Joker was 100% correct when he said "Nobody panics when everything goes according to plan" I am, and always have been a serious planner.

*I am a very particular sleeper. Any of my friends who have stayed at my house, or slept in the same bed with me will know this. I like it COLD. When I lived in Michigan, I slept with the window open, and the fan on my face- even in the dead of winter with snow flakes falling on me. I can't tell you how many time I have frozen my friends to death!! This seems like an appropriate time to say sorry to you all ;-) I like to take 95% of the blankets and 75% of the bed. Michael has told me on several occasions that he tried to get blankets back from me in the middle of the night and I tell him no and get mad! Unless I am really tired I usually have a routine where I start on right side, then to my left, then on my tummy, with my face almost off the bed with a pillow under my chin to keep my jaw closed then finally wiggle my feet until I fall asleep.

*My beverage of choice is always a water with 3 lemons. No, not two or four. Three

*I love to work on different crafts.

* I believe that I can change the world. I know that I can't end world hunger or achieve world peace, but I can make a difference in other peoples lives and I can make a dent. I love going out of my way to make someone feel better or to make a difference in their day. When I die, I want to be remembered for making a difference, not being a selfish, self centered person.

*My family is very important to me and my mom is my best friend. I talk to her on the phone almost everyday.

*When I was little I told my mom that I wanted to have 23 children, no husband (boys were icky, right?!) and live with her! Lucky for mom, I no longer want 23 kids, have a great husband, and will not be living with her. Michael and I have no idea how many children we want, when we were in premarital counseling our pastor asked us how many kids, if any, we wanted. Having had this conversation many times, we looked at each other and chuckled. I think it concerned our pastor when we said we didn't know, but we agreed that we didn't know. We both want more than one, less than 5, and adopt at least one. I guess we'll just figure it out as we go. We definitely want to enjoy at least 5 years of marriage to ourselves and finish school before we head down that road. Friends, keep having babies so I can get my baby fix for now ;-)

*I'd be lost without my iPhone

*I don't like germs and will not eat with my hands before washing them. Even though I catch myself putting my unwashed fingers in my mouth and eyes several times a day.

*I refuse to eat almost everything after its expiration date

That's about all I can think about for now. Hopefully something fun will come along soon :)
Love to you all!

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