
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Life update!

We have been very busy around here! I'll be so excited when the semester is over and we can resume a somewhat normal schedule. Michael has been so busy working on his PhD and working. For now that means class twice a week at 3:30, which means he has to leave the house around 5:30am and head to work, leave work at 2:45 and head to class, he walks a full 20 minutes to class where he learns about stuff I can't wrap any part of my brain around, then starts his 2 hour commute home. Not to mention the homework he has on top of his job. He had to pull an all nighter last night, head to work this morning, to school this afternoon. I fed him dinner and sent him straight to bed when he got home tonight. I love that man so much and I am so grateful for his dedication to make a better life for his little family. He has a year or so of classes left then he'll do research for about 3 years. I'm so looking forward to that time. I have two papers, two quizzes, and an exam left. All in two weeks. 8 week classes. Smh. 
This year I'm trying my hand at gardening, I have planted my strawberries and have many growing. Some sneaky, sneaky critter ate the berry that was almost ripe, and I was so excited to pick and eat. The jokes on them though because I have a net now. Suckers. I also have lots of different peppers, herbs, romaine lettuce, cantaloup, watermelon, cucumbers and cauliflower. In the past I've had a black thumb but so far I've been lucky! I'm looking forward to harvesting some yummy veggies!
Next month we are going to see "Jonah" at the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA. with Michael's parents. I am so excited to get away for a few days. We are heading up a few days early and staying in a lovely Bed & Breakfast. This is our first real trip we've taking since we took our vows. Or any get away for that matter. I wrote here about getting sick the day after our wedding and had to cancel our honeymoon to the Caribbean. I am so looking forward to a trip with my very best friend :) 
Our first anniversary is rapidly approaching and I've been working away on an entry for it :) It seems like just last week Mike was down on one knee and I was anxiously awaiting the ring I knew he had in his pocket. It's been a wonderful year of learning, growing, and love.

Mrs. Hunt

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